Tag "Devil"

Do we believe in the devil, in demonic possession, and in exorcism?

Isn’t believing in demonic possession and exorcism outdated? Now that we know of real mental health challenges, shouldn’t the church drop these outdated ideas of believing in the devil and demons? If you’ve ever heard these forms of arguments made,

Is sin leading you to despair? Restore your hope with God.

One of the most powerful tricks the devil uses against us is when he attempts to make us fall into despair. To make us believe that there is no hope for our salvation—that we are so weak that we will

How does the devil trick us into sin? What is spiritual warfare?

How does the devil trick us into sin? What is spiritual warfare? Do you find that keeping up with your spiritual life is often challenging? Do you sometimes feel like giving up, but you keep on struggling? Well, this is